Thursday, February 16, 2006

Religious Marketing...

This banner has been up at a local Baptist church (Olive Branch, established 1869) since the summer. I have no idea what this slogan means. Having worked at a grocery store for 14 years, I am familiar with the "Buy one, get one free" concept, but this one completely escapes me. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Healing Power of Vonnegut...

This past Thursday evening I was in an auto accident for which I was ticketed. My car was totaled. So I have been feeling all the myriad of emotions one might imagine accompanying such an event. Anger, self-pity, etc. Good news: nobody was injured. Friday afternoon after I got off from work, I was sitting on a bench in front of the store and began to read Kurt Vonnegut's most recent book, A Man Without A Country, and was reminded of two things: how much I adore Vonnegut's writing, and the meaning of life. There I am reading and laughing and generally feeling much better about the whole ordeal. A weight lifted from my emotional "shoulders"...