On 3/28/05, the Washington Post ran an amazing above-the-fold article on the subject of pharmacist's right to refuse the filling of prescriptions that they might feel
personally abhorrent. To me this just seems to go against the entire idea of entering the medical field. The article shows us that this idea is primarily focused on the (surprise!!!) reproductive meds. In other words, these pharmacists are
refusing to fill a woman's birth control pill prescription. They are refusing to fill a woman's "morning-after" pill prescription. Some of the pharmacists refusing are ones who believe that ANY form of contraception is abortion.( One woman who was refused her prescription in Milwaukee for the morning-after pill had the nerve-wracking experience of a condom breaking during sex with her husband.) I personally feel that if a pharmacist thinks his/her religious and/or personal ideologies could interfere with his/her performance of medically sanctioned duties that he/she should resign and find another outlet.
UPDATE: on April 1st, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich (D) issued an emergency rule which requires pharmacies to fill contraceptive 'scrips "without delay". The rule is in effect immediately, and will be up for review to make it permanent. This in contrast to the 11 other states which are considering laws to
allow pharmacists to refuse. Blagojevich has also set up a toll-free number for residents to call and report any refusals. Imagine that! A politician who listened to his constituents, and responded! Great job...