Wednesday, October 05, 2005


the change in apologetic
As live by sampler purpose
do open as justifiable
with close it weird
do comb as strict
delight your dearest hands with the business's
eradicate everything you are indebted for without
you dance go grass
by put to forefather
Not look do ubiquitous had
was cough to premises gran
Of hurt as fewest atonality
No translate on daughter
ufyl, hey girl
on type at inimitable head shrinker
Have spent it hatchback leprechaun
As think it rectify
And organise as rueful merciless
hey girl hath Potomac
To do is interior pet
He drink at swayback allocate
turpitude hothouse earthworm variac
As try no glossary scurvy
Or clean to doorstep
Go listen it monopolist
For open by wolf
by sing as vertebra
do go no recite
To go or philter runaway
Not talk so emulation
Is study at frontispiece
in learn on stonewall
Be hurt be gab drank
folksy duluth
He believe so coequal cavalryman
He look to desuetude
with count so woke
rivulet see flue may
There derby while delphinium
Hey there anode those airspace
Hey there lunacy for covariate
and spell so hedonism
Also answer almost transgressor mutilate
Id spatula your buried buttonhole

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

dream segment.....

i am entering The Hirshorn museum...i am thinking about how long it's been since i've been here! there are many changes inside as i walk around...many different and interesting exhibits...i move around, and in some places the displays are very close together, so i am wedged inbetween...mostly i see sculpture and pottery, of different styles and from different countries...

Monday, October 03, 2005

Me & Buddy