A forum. Freaky-styley or eloquently rendered rants, opinions and Big Dreams. Poems and sorrows. Wonderments...
Monday, April 28, 2008
What I Am Reading...
I have just begun reading 'In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan, and on page 100 i found what is my favorite wording thus far: "Renner documents how Price eventually came to see the problem of diet and health as a problem of ecological dysfunction. By breaking the links among local soils, local foods, and local peoples, the industrial food system disrupted the circular flow of nutrients through the food chain. Whatever the advantages of the new industrial system, it could no longer meet the biochemical requirements of the human body, which, not having had time to adapt, was failing in new ways." This passage sums up a large part of my world view, and food is a major facet thereof...i love food and what it means for all of us animals, and worry endlessly about the industrialization of our "food-production"...
Check out 'evolve happy'...
One of my favorite bloggies, 'evolve happy' has published a manifesto, and is looking for input, comments and the like...these critters are my pals, and i would love for you to check them out and give them some love, criticism and stuff like that...yeah!
Rose-breasted Grosbeak sighting...

wait, hold on! Chuck & i just looked at the feeder, and there is a female also, yay!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
dream snippet...
we are all in the kitchen, and suddenly Dale comes charging in the door! i yell out, "DaleBert's home!", and both Chuck & Melian say oh wow, yay! and come into the kitchen to see him; he's hungry, so Chuck gets a small bowl of crunchies just for him...Dale is next to where the cat crunchies used to be, so i call him over next to me, and put the bowl down for him in a secluded spot so he won't be all freaked out, and i hand feed him the first crunchie...after he's eaten some he walks around a little, and some of the other cats come up to check him out, all is going well, and we are all so happy that he is home...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Local church updates their look...
Here is the new sign up at Olive Branch Baptist Church. Not sure what the deal is with this message either, but at least it's not quite as obscure as the previous one (see "Religious Marketing" post from 2/16/2006). Can't wait to see what the new one might be!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Because it's just not enough to cut off our clitorises...
This article and video at Feministing is a mind-blower. I had never heard of breast-ironing before. Notice how once again the girls are being punished, that is to say tortured, for the imagined (presumed) sexual appetites and approaches of the males. I laugh (yeah: ha-a-ha) every time I hear someone say that female genital mutilation is equivalent to male circumcision. That argument just doesn't "cut" it, HAHAHA. Let's see, boys: can you still have an orgasm after circumcision? YES. Can a woman still have an orgasm after clitoral removal? NO. And let's say that it's not even about orgasm, o.k.? Can a woman even stand to have any kind of sex at all after having her labia and clitoris removed? NO NO NO. And let's say that it's not even about intercourse, o.k.? Can a woman even stand the pain involved in urination after genital mutilation? NO. Yeah....
Again, this is why i absolutely adore Twisty Faster @ IBTP...
"I hate Komen because they’ve brainwashed millions of people into believing that if they buy pink shit they are “making a difference.” Snap out of it! All you are doing is buying pink shit. Komen is a marketing facilitator. They do not reduce breast cancer occurence. They do not reduce breast cancer deaths. All they do is hook up sanctimonious shopaholics with corporate leeches who want to shine up their tarnished public images."
Read this post....
Read this post....
dream segment...
i am riding a motorized skateboard down a major highway, about to merge onto a superhighway when the power to my board dies...i skate to the shoulder and take out my cell phone to call for help, the battery to my cell in dead, too...as i stand there for a minute trying to decide what to so, two other people walk up to me and ask if i need a ride, because they do too! then a guy walks up ans days he can give us all a ride, so we walk, RUN! across this big road over to the other shoulder to get to his car, it's a VW bug...as i'm trying to climb in, i slip in the snow and slide down in the ditch, the snow is really deep there and i'm thinking whoah! i'm going to get buried in this snow, but i manage to climb part way out and one of the people gives me a hand so i can climb all the way out...
Monday, April 14, 2008
see it while you still can...
I drive by this fabulous rock formation on my way to work every day...recently, this area was "approved"by the county for a new housing development ...i despair the fate of this compelling earth form, soon to be the site of a new McMansion???
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Remember to always Vote Hemp...
New store opening in Adams Morgan: Capitol Hemp...they (Adam Eidinger and partner) hope for an opening day later this month. Yay! Yesterday's Washington Post ran this small piece in the Business section. Fabulous!
i am at a friend's home, and we're having some live music...at one point the guitar player hauls off with his instrument and whaaaacks the drummer right in the head, he falls off the chair onto the floor...at first we are all dealing with a laughter response, but we quickly realize that there was no theatre involved, that was a blow dealt in anger...so everyone is hopping around trying to get the whole thing back together and make sure that everyone is in one piece!
sometime after the show, i am at Gwynne's house, and trying to get to the bathroom to pee...there are a lot of people there hanging out, i have to climb over some of them...all of Gwynne's furniture is falling apart...
sometime after the show, i am at Gwynne's house, and trying to get to the bathroom to pee...there are a lot of people there hanging out, i have to climb over some of them...all of Gwynne's furniture is falling apart...
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Literary Barbie...
Twisty does it again.....(as usual)
"That’s the thing about patriarchy. It does the defining, not you. That’s what makes it the dominant paradigm. You can abstain from sex, you can fuck your way across the universe, you can be a stone butch dyke with a utility belt, you can get your boobs amputated and your uterus ripped out, you can be sex-neutral in your own crackpot mind, you can be ugly or hawt, you can be the Democrats’ presidential nominee, you can even age out of desirability, but you will always be defined in terms of, and used according to, that which the dominant culture describes as your essence: sex. Or, as you are alternately defined: a receptacle for the perpetuation of male supremacy."
IBTP, see "The continuing exploits of the fetus-lovers"...
IBTP, see "The continuing exploits of the fetus-lovers"...
car crash dream...
i am driving along and the line of traffic i am in comes to a halt, a mild halt, but the person behind me does not stop in time, and crashes into my car...so i ram gently into the car in front of me, but damage is done nonetheless, even though no person is injured...so we all get out of our vehicles and do that insurance exchange thingie until the police show up...
slice of dreaming...
i am going down Logmill Road (driving? walking?) and there are more houses being built on both sides of the road, all over the place...and a big super-highway overpass being built over on the left in one of the farm fields...i am horrified and saddened and angered as i go along and see all this destruction/construction...
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