Hie thee quickly to The Beer Mapping Project. It's stinking amazing.
A forum. Freaky-styley or eloquently rendered rants, opinions and Big Dreams. Poems and sorrows. Wonderments...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"Court Rules Cleanup Tab For Mines and Other Hazardous Sites Should Not Fall to Public"
"WASHINGTON - February 26 - A federal court has ruled [2] that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency must close a loophole that -- for more than 25 years -- has made it easy for mining companies, coal ash dumps, and a host of other polluting industries to skip out on costly cleanups by declaring bankruptcy. The case concerned EPA's failure to issue "financial assurances" standards that ensure that polluting industries will always remain financially able to clean up dangerous spills and other contaminated sites.
Attorneys Lisa Evans and Jan Hasselman with the public interest law firm Earthjustice represented the Sierra Club and environmental groups in New Mexico, Nevada, and Idaho in the case, decided late yesterday by U.S. District Judge William Alsup, based in San Francisco.
Environmental advocates hailed the decision as a victory that paves the way for new federal rules that would require hardrock and phosphate mine operators, metal finishers, wood treatment facilities, and other industries to post bonds covering the cost of potential future cleanups.
"By not promulgating financial assurance requirements, EPA has allowed companies that otherwise might not have been able to operate and produce hazardous waste to potentially shift the responsibility for cleaning up hazardous waste to taxpayers," Judge Alsup wrote in the decision. The undisputed evidence before the Court demonstrated that such financial assurance requirements result in better environmental protection and faster and more thorough cleanups.
When the Superfund law was passed in 1980, lawmakers gave EPA three years to start putting financial assurance regulations in place. More than 25 years later, these regulations remain unwritten. Under the terms of the decision, EPA has until May 4 to identify the industries that will be first subject to these financial assurance requirements.
"This victory paves the way for the new administration to correct a longstanding environmental problem while saving taxpayers billions of dollars at the same time," said Earthjustice attorney Jan Hasselman, who argued the case before Judge Alsup. "New standards will push companies that deal with toxic substances towards more responsible practices."' read the rest of this good news here...thank you Earthjustice and Common Dreams!
Another Installment of "Beer & A Book"...
Yes, your favorite series is back with two more heavily-enjoyed selections. Visit the 'Family of Secrets' website for ongoing information about this book and the research involved (and evolving). Visit Victory Brewing for information about this delightful Imperial stout, "Storm King".
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Oh, Joy; cuppie cakes!
On February 8, Melian & i went to the theatre to see "Coraline"...we got there a wee bit early so we browsed "Borders" before the film. We had been having cupcakes on the brain for a while , so i looked at the cookbooks and found THIS fantastic, delightful cuppie cake cookbook. Yay! So far we have made:
Banana Cupcakes
Mint Chocolate Cupcakes
Basil Pesto Cupcakes
We also found 'Screaming Monkey' there...with eyes that burn!!!
"Hop Devil" I.P.A.
This brew from Victory Brewing Company (located in Downingtown, PA) is just fabulous. The hops flavor is multi-layered and perfect. It tastes green. It smells wonderful. Highly recommended.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"A Commodity Called Misery"
Joe's article seems to me to be in the spirit of evolving happy. Check it out.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
dream segment...
later, i am at home, talking with Melian & Chuck in the living room...outside we hear a huge grizzly bear who is growling, roaring actually, right at the other side of the wall, Chuck says, "watch him put an arm through the wall", and i say, "don't say that because he will"...so of course no sooner are my words out that here comes the bear's huge paw through the wall, wood splintering...Melian & i run out to the car, she has grabbed an umbrella...when we get in, i realize i don't have my keys, but there they are in the driver's seat! I tell Melian to press the clutch pedal...in our haste & fear i have gotten in the passenger's side and she the driver's...we are going to start the car and swing by to get Chuck as he runs out of the door...the car is my 1966 Bug...
What is Bookcrossing, you may ask? Well if you had not noticed the widget to the left, here is a link for you!!!
Look Who's Gone Organic!
Oh, I Don't Know, I Think I May Prefer a Nice Velvet
Here is a remake of a graffitti from the early 1990's which used to reside near the post office. Eventually the original was painted over.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009
"The World's Top 10 Pesticide Firms - Who Owns Nature?"
According to the report, the world's six largest agrochemical manufacturers, who control nearly 75% of the global pesticide market, are also seed industry giants.
It's worth breaking this down by company.
Bayer: the world's biggest agrochemical company is also the world's seventh biggest seed company.
Syngenta: the world's second largest agrochemical company is also the world's third largest seed company.
Monsanto: the world's biggest seed company is the world's fifth largest agrochemical company.
And DuPont: the world's second biggest seed company is also the world's sixth largest agrochemical company.
All these companies are gene giants.
Weed killers (herbicides) account for about one-third of the global pesticide market, and around 80% of GM seeds involve herbicide-resistance.
The worldwide market for agrochemicals grew last year by nearly 10%. this article from Organic Consumers Association...be sure and click on the link to the ETC Group report in full...