Yesterday's Washington Post brought us the news that CIA director Goss is eliminating the daily 5p.m. counterterrorism meetings which Tenet initiated after 9/11. These meetings involved CIA , FBI, Pentagon and Homeland Security officials. Goss will be replacing these with smaller meetings three mornings a week. Here's my favorite quote: (from an administration official), "If something exploded, [Goss] would get briefed right away." Gee, that's great! The article features a photo of Goss and Bush standing together. Then today's Post gives us front page news about the inauguration: the Bush administration has refused to pay D.C. for inaugural expenses. They told D.C. to use money allocated for homeland security instead. Again, that's just great. I for one do not see the need for millions of dollars being spent on this inauguration whatever the source. I think that Bush is once again showing a total disregard for reality. It's tactless. This is not the time for a big glitzy high dollar extravaganza. He had that $40 million party last time. Think of all that could be done with $40 mil right now, elsewhere.
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