Friday, May 23, 2008

Barrel Oak Winery grand opening!

Today was the grand opening, and it was tremendous fun. I did a full tasting which consisted of twelve different wines, and ALL of them were quite delicious. Here's what I had: BowHaus White, 2005; Seyval Blanc, 2007; Viognier, 2007; BowHaus Red, 2005; Cabernet Sauvignon, 2005; Merlot 2005; Norton, 2005; Petite Verdot; Tour'ga Franc; Cabernet Franc Reserve; "Chocolate Lab" dessert wine; "Late Harvest" Viogner...I bought 6 bottles to bring home. Everyone was so nice, it was great to finally meet Sharon & Brian, and take the informal tour. Another highlight was meeting the new puppy Justice, just 8 weeks old! My co-worker & pal Linda went with me, and she had a great time as well, the first time she'd ever visited a winery! Also, I did a book release while there...
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