Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I am sitting out on the patio reading 'Swimming Against the Current' (by Hightower & DeMarco) when a grasshopper starts jumping against the door of the greenhouse. This activity draws the attention of Tyga, who had been napping underneath the picnic table. She chases after the grasshopper for a little bit, then the grasshopper leaps away from that area and goes hopping and flying up above the picnic table and on past. This gets Lenah's attention. She gets up from her comfy spot and chases the 'hopper on into the grass behind the swing bench. This is all beyond cute, seeing Lenah get frisky. She might be 15 years old, but she knows how to work her inner kitten!

And so there you have it, one of life's perfect moments. Fleeting, but so deeply satisfying. Sunny day in June, reading in a lawnchair, happy cats...A sudden smile and a strong sense of completeness and contentment.
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