Friday, January 30, 2009

Just finished reading this wonderful book...

Thank you for loaning this one to me. Wink, wink; you know who you are.
And, "What?", you may ask, is the next logical step in reading material? Well, it is:

The 'Fermenting Revolution' website is here. This book is so "me" that it is hilarious. When I had my first microbrew (Anchor Steam Beer) back in the day, I was in love, and never looked back. One of my standard sayings is, "Quality not quantity". I've done a bit of homebrewing also, and find it a very enjoyable experience. I used recipes from 'The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing' by Charlie Papazian. Two favorites were "Dark Sleep Stout" (roundly viewed as "Orgasm in a Bottle"), and "SandiBottom Red Bitter". Visit Seven Bridges Cooperative for some supplies & ideas.


Valerie said...

Ooo, I'll have to put that last one on my list!

sandi said...

Yes, Val, you is quite a fabulous book, and i am just a wee bit into it...