Friday, January 02, 2015

dream piece...

a man is in my house trying to take a bedsheet set of mine, i get it back from him telling him that he cannot have my belongings, furthermore it was a gift from my the ensuing conversation i look him right in his eyes and tell him that i do NOT trust him...he gets more agitated and the encounter turns uglier...i start telling him firmly to leave, then i start punching him...i try to call the police on my cell phone...more struggle, and then the D.C. cops show up and set the guy down to ask him is very uncomfortable because they are doing this in my house, i am in the same room & the guy is shooting me dagger looks...

i am overseeing the big donation project that is going on in the neighborhood...a lot of helpers and vehicles getting loaded...i go over to watch where a guy is cutting down a standing dead tree for firewood to be donated...his style is very flamboyant and artistic, but when the top of the tree comes crashing down it lands right at my foot. i am reclined on a flatbed truck watching him cut the tree, the top flies up into the air, then slow-mo down onto the flatbed, just touching my toe when it lands. just that close, but i felt no fear, just wonderment, and then a sense of relief...

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