Saturday, December 20, 2008

ramble o'woe...

awaken anxiety ridden from my personal failings which largely involve money & laziness...i spent $15 on cupcakes & coffee at 'Cupcake Heaven' yesterday (but wait! cupcakes are a thing of beauty, are they not?), and $48 on dinner at the 'Outback' (Melian & i were hungry and needed a boost after a disappointing show) ...i only got two things done (finished reading 'The Pornography of Power' and got the jalapeno christmas lights down from the attic) from my list of stuff to do on my day off...i'm going to have a cuppa joe and try to soothe my sorrow in front of the fire...then i have to get ready for now i have partaken of some hydrotherapy, and gotten my mind rebooted by a short walk around outside in the yard...i can do this...

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