Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Because it's just not enough to cut off our clitorises...

This article and video at Feministing is a mind-blower. I had never heard of breast-ironing before. Notice how once again the girls are being punished, that is to say tortured, for the imagined (presumed) sexual appetites and approaches of the males. I laugh (yeah: ha-a-ha) every time I hear someone say that female genital mutilation is equivalent to male circumcision. That argument just doesn't "cut" it, HAHAHA. Let's see, boys: can you still have an orgasm after circumcision? YES. Can a woman still have an orgasm after clitoral removal? NO. And let's say that it's not even about orgasm, o.k.? Can a woman even stand to have any kind of sex at all after having her labia and clitoris removed? NO NO NO. And let's say that it's not even about intercourse, o.k.? Can a woman even stand the pain involved in urination after genital mutilation? NO. Yeah....

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