Thursday, May 08, 2008

dream segment...

i am at a school fund-raising function, lots of people there, walking down one crowded hallway i stop and talk with one of the organizing "Moms", i am going to help by selling books of postage stamps...talking with other the cafeteria, there is a food buffet and a wine one of the tables i meet Jimmy Carter!!!, when i go to get a glass of wine, he wants me to get a roll of nickels for him...when i come back to the table, i have forgotten the nickels, so i go back to get them...i'm getting another glass of wine, but the first bottle i pour from is really gross and filled with some nasty decomposed matter, so i dump that out and go to another bottle...the roll of coins that the guy gives me has dimes in it too, so i figure that might be o.k. and head on back to the table...

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