Friday, December 19, 2014

dream pieces

i am in a car with some acquaintances and we are driving on Rt. 234 in Manassas down by and past the Mall ...

i am at work and two people who might be co-workers forbid me to consume any alcohol in my personal time whatsoever. they are strange/shady characters, i am trying to discuss this with them. one of them keeps insinuating that my job performance is low, and that i have done something wrong, like stealing or such. it is very strange, because she keeps sidling off and not really telling me what she means, or what the issue is, won't look me directly in the eyes...then i realize that it is past time to close the store, so i go to lock the doors, and have a difficult time with that. the customers just keep on coming in, no matter what i do or say...

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